.....heal eczema symsptom, burns of any kinds cuts, bruises , wounds and more.....
RM69.00 - 50g
Pot of Gold skin balm is made in New Zealand from 75% local ingredients and is 75% organic and works by feeding the skin a powerful skin food which simply helps your skin to do the healing itself. |
Use Guide |
Rub your finger around the jar collecting a generous film on your finger tip.3. Apply directly to the affected area making sure that all damaged skin is covered.4. Allow the area to breathe as the balm is absorbed |
Pot of Gold skin balm has been made and shared by a New Zealand family for six generations. In that time it has been attributed by family, and more recently customers, with helping in the treatment and control of almost all skin related ailments and injuries. Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the world. It contains no cortisone, steroids, petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, or carcinogens of any kind. Pot of Gold skin balm is made in New Zealand from 75% local ingredients and is 75% organic too. The skin balm works by feeding the skin a powerful skin food which simply helps your skin to do the healing itself. |
- Eczema symptoms (often misspelled as excema, excema, ezema, exema, ecxema)
- Psoriasis symptoms
- Seborrheic dermatitis (infant cradle cap) symptoms
- Dermatitis symptoms
- Burns of any kind
- Cold sores
- Dry, cracked skin
- A supplementary skin cancer treatment
- Foot odour and irritation
- Acne, scar reduction
- Moisturiser and under-eye balm
- Insect bites
- Cuts, bruises, wounds and more
Our skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is also a reflection of our overall health. In order for our body and skin to function properly we must receive sufficient nutrition, rest and exercise. A deficiency in any one of these can adversely affect our health and can lead to skin that heals slowly, has poor circulation and looks shallow and dull. Similarly, our skin helps to keep our body healthy by acting as a protective wall against possible harmful effects of the environment. At Pot of Gold, we believe taking care of your skin from both the inside and the outside will lead to a lifetime of good health. |
Allergy warning:
Pot of Gold skin balm contains coniferous pine tree resin along with beeswax which can in turn hold traces of pollen, propolis and bee venom. A contact test is the best way to see if someone with a possible allergy to the ingredients in our balm is in fact allergic. To do this, apply a finger print sized amount of our balm to the inside elbow pit of the person concerned (if this area is fatigued by eczema or a similar condition then use either the other elbow pit or knee pit that is clear and healthy). A reaction may take 48 to 96 hours to present itself. If by then no visual effects can be seen then the balm is safe to use. If at a later date an area being treated with Pot of Gold begins to appear inflamed or raised, discontinue use. |
Pot of gold skin balm is recommended for any serious condition for anyone of any age.

- Rub your finger around the jar collecting a thin film on your finger tip.
- Apply Pot of Gold skin balm directly to the affected area.

"Awesome stuff! I've only had it a week but it's quickly healed, pimples, sunburn, and bad cradle cap on the baby - I cant believe it! It's amazing, I will be buying some more! I SO recommend this product to everyone for anything! It's truly amazing!"
Melissa Johnson
Motueka |
"I have had awful itchy and unsightly psoriasis patches on my legs for 12 years which I was very self-conscious of and would never wear shorts or dresses. The itchiness would wake me at night and I would scratch until my skin was raw and bleeding - truly awful. Over the years I have tried the typical steroid cream and a variety of lotions and potions but none were effective. I purchased some Pot of Gold skin balm, applied twice a day, and WOW am I impressed! My psoriasis has never looked better and is 90% gone! For the great price it is I would recommend psoriasis sufferers give this a try - you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
Eczema "Thanks for the balm, I love it! I had this thick, bright red patch of eczema behind both my ears, some on my scalp and other patches behind my knees, and I tried heaps of stuff to get rid of it. Thanks to your balm, what a relief, I used it once and couldn't believe how quickly the itch disappeared and then the patches. I love that your balm doesn't smell, which is a huge plus because I can use it anytime, anywhere. I have used another remedy that had people looking at me sideways and my ( not!) charming friends saying I smelled like a horse, so you can understand how happy I am to use your balm. I look forward to receiving the extra balm I ordered because several members of my whanau need it. Thanks again."
New Zealand
"The term "testimonial" sounds so forced. This isn't a testimonial, this is me wanting to share with as many people as I can the benefits of this amazing product. My 7-month-old daughter has had reccurring eczema on her face for 4 months, we have tried everything! The only improvement we have ever seen was when, out of desperation, we have used a steroid cream. Even then, two days later the eczema would return. These photos are of the amazing difference to her skin after only two applications, over a 12 hour period! We continued to use the product for another 3 days. There is no sign of the eczema at all! In fact she now has the most gorgeous skin! I have started using the product an everything I can think of. It is great for itchy bites too.
Thank you so much to the makers of this great product, you have saved us, from possibly years of steroid use."
"Wow, what can I say? This is an awesome product! I've renamed it 'miracle in a jar'. I only received it yesterday morning but by last night there was a huge improvement in my baby boy's eczema and this morning he woke up with none of the normal red blotchy dry skin on his face that he wakes up with every morning. Absolutely amazing, thank you so much."
Katie S
Keratosis pilaris (also know as follicular keratosis)"My daughter has suffered for seven years now with keratosis pilaris (also know as follicular keratosis) which itch like crazy 24/7. In the past seven years, we have seen numerous doctors, specialists and dermatologists who all prescribe harsh steroid treatments and anti-histamine pills, all to no avail. We have been absolutely desperate to find something that helps and I believe now we have finally found it. She is no longer tearing holes in her skin and the sores have healed. Our next step is to live in hope that Pot of Gold reduces her scarring - looking good so far! We are delighted to say we were able to take our girl shopping for togs as she has her confidence back and wants to go swimming again. I can't thank you enough for giving her a new lease on life and in return, I am recommending your product to everyone."
D Cornelissen
Te Awamutu
"I have super-sensitive skin and find I react to many lotions and products. I also suffer from eczema, so you can imagine my total happiness when I saw skin improvement after just one day! It is now day three and the progress continues. This product is fantastic, and I highly recommend it to others!"
New Zealand
"I found this excellent for my son's eczema. It beats steroid creams anytime and much better than 3B cream for sweat/heat rash. Yay, no more sleepless nights for me and so kind to our kid's skin."
New Zealand
"I have a food allergy which makes my facial skin break out in a red, itchy pimply mess. I end up with reddish scarring on my skin after a bout. Pot of Gold is the only ointment/cream that I have used that gets rid of the scarring. This happens when I eat potatoes and have too much bread. I have been using Pot of Gold for approximately two years now and do not like running out of it. Excellent on my grandchildren's bottoms."
Jane Hay
Are you sure that this product really works?
ReplyDeleteLooking forward for your reply.
Amanda Nelson
Get Rid of Cold Sores
Hi Amanda, yes...see the testimony..very effective my daughter was experiencing the same problem. 2 days using SKIN balms, skin looks moisturized and she no longer itching..do not have to rub a lot, only a few, skin balm made of olive oil, as we know olive oil is great for our skin.