Strongly Recommended
A multi solution chocolate mask to solve your daily skin problem.Made from natural ingredient. Reveal your bright, free from acne skin within 2 weeks
..... Gold Mask , Cacao Soap , Camelia Soap .....
Price: RM96.00
Product Description
Contain 99.9 gold powder,aloe extract, cacao powder, collagen which produce hydrating and whitening effect.Act as deep cleansing which can reduce pimple/acne, blackheads and tighten pore , eliminate appearance of line and wrinkles.
Product Ingredient
Aloe extract, cacao powder, collagen,Contain 99.9 gold powder
Use Guide
2-3 times per week, smooth a thin layer over clean, dry skin face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes to partially dry, rinse thoroughly with sufficient water to reveal newly radiant skin.Avoid contact with eyes.
Zamian Premium Gold Mask Set use guide
1) Use Zamian Cacao Handmade Soap
2) Create a creamy lather with some water and apply to your face
3) Wash the face thoroughly with clean water
4) Apply the mask from chin part to forehead
5) Avoid on eye area,try to apply a bit thick on those T-Zone,acne part
6) After 10-15 minutes,wash-off with Zamian Camelia Handmade Soap.Camelia Soap contain high vitamin and moisturizing effect.
7) Create a creamy lather with some water and apply to your face
8) Wash the face thoroughly with clean water
9) Wash again with Zamian Clear Form Cleansing( optional)
It is strongly covered by media from asia country |
What is the benefit of Korea Gold Cacao Mask ? |
1) Shrink pores |
2) Restore skin elasticity |
3) Heal acne skin |
4) Brighten dull looking skin (whitening) |
5) Heal acne skin |
6) Controls excessive oil formation |
7) Soothe and maintains PH level of skin |
8) Anti-ageing |
9) Moisture, repair & regenerate new skin. |
10) Suitable for all skin types especially acne, pimple, dull looking & stressful skin. This applies to all ages and gender |
产品介绍: |
黄金可可面膜添加了AHA成分,芦荟粹取精華,可可粉末,植物性胶原蛋白對於皮肤干燥,脫水性油性皮肤,缺水性油性皮肤特別有效。可可粉末中拥有超强的保湿效果,而芦荟具有安定皮肤的作用,适合各种皮肤 |
可可豆: 有效改善青春豆皮肤 |
胶原蛋白:修补青春豆伤口 |
果酸:更新皮肤质素 |
芦荟:镇定皮肤,提供美白,皮肤湿润,有效少细纹现象 |
主治:美白,治青春痘,收缩毛孔,深层清洁,控油 |
saya dah guna dis product mmg berkesan...masalah acne dah xde kulit pun dah cerah, gebu n pore dah kecik...nak jumpe klien pun dah x malu...recommed to everybody yg ade masalah kulit cam saya nie...
ReplyDeleteHi Aliyah, thanks banyak2 cos recommend dis product kat akak...mula tu takut gak nak pakai cos x penah dengar brand ZAMIAN nie...tp lepas pakai sabun 2pcs tu ok lak muka n tu yg nak pakai Gold Mask Set plak...hehehehe....now muka akak minyak dah kurang sgt2, jerawat halus2 pun dah xde, kulit dah cerah n gebu sampai anak2 tegur 'muka mama dah cantik la'...hehehe...sekali lg THANKS A LOT....love u
ReplyDeleteHi kak Seri, alhamdulillah happy aliyah dgr...semoga lebih cantik lg selepas nie ye...heee..luv u too la
ReplyDeleteHi. Sy bminat dgn product ni. Ada lg ke? Pls contact me thru my mail, njhassan@ymailcom